web site development

Your organization is expected to be online
Potential customers and even your existing clients expect you to have a web presence. The yellow pages are still delivered but surveys show that in the present age of technology, people are more likely to "Google" a topic and locate service providers verses reaching for the phone book. When your company name comes to mind, either by word of mouth or other advertisement, people assume you have a .com and most likely will "Google" it when they need your service.
Seniram offers � la carte web sites to fit any budget. We work with organizations of all sizes from concept to well established brands. You are the expert in your business and we want to partner with you and create your online presence today.
one site unlimited devices

Responsive Design
According to 2014 statistics, there are now 143 million smart phones in use in the U.S., and 71 million tablets. Web sites are view on the go and can no longer be confined to desktop or notebook displays. Responsive designs remove the screen dependancy and allow your organization to have a single content rich web site that displays appropriatly to your customers regardless of the device used.
it is alive and growing

Relevant Quality Content
Web sites are constantly evolving and content must remain fresh and relevant in order to achieve high rankings on the big search engines. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the process of increasing rankings in an organic way and targeting prospects who do not click on the paid advertisement links within search results. We will work with you to organize your content in an effective manner delivering relevant results to your prospects.